Thursday 23 October 2008

WOW WHAT A WEEK! This week has been an amazing week for us all! God Brought us Yan Nicholls and now our lives will never be the same about evangelism ever again. Yan took evangelism to a whole new level. I think I speak for everyone when I say we all have a complete new hunger for evangelism. He shows us how we don't need to miraculously save people every time we go out there. But were getting people closer and closer god every time we step. Yan took the angle scale and just completely explained in a form in which if the angle scale was food we would've been scoffing it down. As were out in botchergate on Friday nights we will attempt to apply what we've learnt and its all about trial and error. You get the abusive people, the nutters, the nice old grandmas and then there's the people who are just hungry for god and need the mud wiped out of their eyes and that is why evangelism is so important! God is good! Amen – Ezra McIntyre

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