Thursday, 4 December 2008

faith & Finances, Renewing the mind

So this week was about faith and finances, with renewing our minds...
we had a great time with a buddding new speeker... Emma Wagner.

She was a great youthful fresh breathe of air.. hot air... just a joke. She Was great.. It was a chance to take a step back and evaluate what our rooted beliefs were.. Its crazy that we have so many distorted truths in our lives, were we have left things linger and getting balled up and became a place were no matter what God or others say we believe our truth and don't let the truth flow. so we evaluated these things and put the truth in the right spot.

Emma also shared her personal faith in finance stories.. They give off a mind set were you feel That God can do any thing can happen with a God who Provides for his people..

We even Had a American Thanks Giving... We had a big fest played some games and gave an offering for our outstanding school fee's... We all watched God provide for all our needs right there..

... JM

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