Thursday, 25 September 2008

week #3

Hello from Carlisle! The past week, from Monday the 15th to Thursdaythe 18th, we started our first full week of routine and lectures. Wehad Katherine Robertson, an amazing intelligent woman who has been inYWAM for about 30 years, spoke to us on the Nature and Character ofGod. Being an infinite subject, I think she did an awesome job oflaying down the foundations of who He is. Katherine talked on God'semotions, will, mind, and the fact He is a triune. Deep Questions like:Does God know the future? Did God script out our lives or are theyunwritten? Do we have a free will? Why is there suffering in the world?Why doesn't God stop all the suffering?, were just some of the topicswe discussed. We were all full of questions, thoughts and using everybrain cell we had. By the end of the week we all had are ownrevelations, and a bigger picture of the vastness of God. My brain wasas fried as my potato on Friday, but it was worth it. She reallyinspired me to think about what i believe in and why, to look fromdifferent view points, and study the word. One thing that hit me washow personal God is and how his heart feels much more than we couldimagine. The weekend started off with a night on botchagate street, a street full of clubs and pub.We have started going out on Friday nights, from 10 til 2,giving away free Starbucks coffee. It is basically a really awesome way to create relationships,conversations, sober people up :) and get involved with the community of Carlisle.I also went to a football game saturday morning with Jeremy,Ben,Craig,David,Lucy,Vera and Adeline,which was really fun, but quite intense.Jenean and Ezra went of with Ken and his church for a retreat, and a night in a Manor.Well that was last week in a small nut shell. Til next time, much love and blessings!!!!-Ashley Hughes

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Thanks Ashley Hughes! I loved your update. Are you getting slammed by the beauty and glory of our Lord yet? Love you!