Thursday, 4 December 2008

The WIND Up... The Pitch!!!!

So here we all are in the last week of Lecture Phase in Carlisle. It's been an amazing 13 weeks of teaching, revelation, impartation, and all around discipleship, and we've enjoyed it. I've seen growth in everyone here through this time: God's really moved!! His amazing awesomeness has shone through so powerfully and we're all finishing this time in awe and wonder of Him. This week we've had Richard Mayers come down from Scotland to teach about Worship and Intimacy, and to comission and send us off on our outreach. So far it's been a powerful week. We've seen God and experienced him in fresh ways, through various aspects of Worship, Intercession, and Ministry as well as recieving a lot of wisdom from Richard's teaching.

We're planning on having the big sendoff tonight after dinner, then tomorrow the first of us disperse to our various airports to fly to Asia. If all goes to plan we should all be out there by the 9th. We're all getting mad excited to see what God's going to do, and that makes us all the more eager to get out there.

Thanks ever so much to all of you who have been keeping up with us and praying for us! It makes a massive difference.
Blessings----Benjaminitis Rowllech----

faith & Finances, Renewing the mind

So this week was about faith and finances, with renewing our minds...
we had a great time with a buddding new speeker... Emma Wagner.

She was a great youthful fresh breathe of air.. hot air... just a joke. She Was great.. It was a chance to take a step back and evaluate what our rooted beliefs were.. Its crazy that we have so many distorted truths in our lives, were we have left things linger and getting balled up and became a place were no matter what God or others say we believe our truth and don't let the truth flow. so we evaluated these things and put the truth in the right spot.

Emma also shared her personal faith in finance stories.. They give off a mind set were you feel That God can do any thing can happen with a God who Provides for his people..

We even Had a American Thanks Giving... We had a big fest played some games and gave an offering for our outstanding school fee's... We all watched God provide for all our needs right there..

... JM

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

The Father Heart of GOD...

Well you would think that its a pretty easy subject, but its more intricate yet so easy it as easy as saying yes God come and be my Daddy... that's it come be my daddy and fill me with your love....
This week was a fast fun new crazy time with God the Father, Jesus the Brother/Redeemer, & Holy Spirit the councilor and joy giver... and he likes to give out the Joy of inner restoration.. with many laughs and tears...
Andy Glover was the one bringing all this to us.. he was full of Wisdom and first hand experience on the things that keep us from being real with ourselves and how we stop ourselves from receiving the Fathers heart because we are ashamed at whats deep down in side of us...
In the course of the week we even had a time of getting freed up from the strong holds in our lives... with a joy session, we went to have lectures at time but then the Holy Spirit would start moving again and half the group would be laughing with the Joy, God did some major inner healing with in us...
We ended the week with a whole weekend of Abba's Touch. A seminar where Andy shared his personal journey of coming into the Experience of the Fathers amazing love. That's where we ended up with a 2 1/2 hour "Love tunnel" a place where people can get filled with Joy and A impartation of the fathers love upon their lives we spent that time praying over people and sharing words and pictures from God to them...
The teaching from Andy is a Message that i can't fully write about it hits every one differently. and that's our God he won't give all of us the same outlined picture of what his love must mean its a individual thing for each of us personally with our Daddy God...

The BIBLE yes thats the book for me!!!!!!

Yea!!! So how good of a book is that? it's the most brilliant book i have every picked up and yet when we were going through it with a brilliant man named David Painting, things were popping out that i have never seen before... How Can this be you may ask. Well let me tell you some little Revies that came out to me...
(a)That we had the Authority from when Adam was in the Garden of Eden...
(w)That we gave it away to Satan....
(e)A wole lot of years past by.... many things happened...
(s)A priest Named Zacharias was the first man in 400 years to here from God, and he doubted that God would give him and his wife "Elizabeth" He is God... But his wife did conceive a son and he was "filled with the Holy Spirit" from Conception....
(o) That a young Girl named Mary had a choice to carry the son of God... And She Said yes... although She could have been put to death , Because her and her betrothed were not yet Married...
(m) That Joseph Accepted this and said yes to being Jesus' earthly Father.. and raised him as his own, despite all the shame and disgrace that fell upon them in the situation and time..
(e)That Jesus' first miracle on the face of the earth in his life time was returning honour to a family during a wedding feast.. They had ran out of wine on the first few days of the feast that would have ended it early a could have been very shameful on the family of the bride..
and that all equals AWESOME... and that's just a little bit of it if you want more feel free to join YWAM Carlisle and sign up for the 2009 DTS its not to soon....
See ya ,

Monday, 17 November 2008

the eyes of Ken Lowe

Blog 2nd -7th November YWAM DNA Conference The King’s Lodge Nuneaton UK
This was an extraordinary week. Instead of our usual programme of lectures, small groups, intercession and work duties in Carlisle we all climbed aboard a minibus, driven by Richard the Base Leader, and headed 200 miles south to Nuneaton near Birmingham. It is here that YWAM have one of its largest UK Bases called the King’s Lodge. The whole team travelled down in order to attend one of YWAM’s week long DNA Conferences. The Carlisle DTS were assigned a church hall to sleep in which was interesting! Sleeping on mats on a wooden floor is possibly good preparation for outreach. The standard of catering was excellent all week and we only had one work duty for the entire conference which was washing up after lunch on the Monday. A diminution of work duties was appreciated by all!

So what was the DNA conference about? Who better to explain than Youth With A Mission’s founder members themselves - Loren and Darlene Cunningham. They wrote of the conference: "We have a growing anticipation in our hearts regarding the dreams in God's heart for this time! Our sense is that this is to be like a family reunion, with all the extended family members coming together to meet with the spiritual fathers. What a wonderful, faith-filled gathering we're going to have! During this time, we will focus on Jesus and His call to us as a Mission and as individuals. As you are probably aware, we as a Mission (especially Loren!) are not known for focusing on the past. YWAM is a visionary, forward-looking movement! But the New Zealand Maoris have a wise saying: "you walk backward into the future." By that, they mean that you must understand and embrace your past in order to be productive into the future.
In our case, that means we must rehearse the Words of the Lord, identify and understand the values and principles that embody our unique call as a Mission, and make sure that they stand as the firm foundation for what we build into the future. That's why we're calling this a DNA Conference: "DNA" refers to the essential genetics of our missions tribe that we believe God wants to multiply into successive generations of YWAMers for health and fruitfulness.
During this time, we're expecting God to ignite new passion in our hearts for the things on His heart. And we're expecting that together He will speak new things to us for the future. We are looking forward to a wonderful time together of fellowship, networking and hearing from God."

Another key person associated with the conference was a man called Maged (I was sure his name was Maggot until I saw it written down…. Oops! No offence!) He wrote of the conference: "I remember a year ago Darlene asked me "what is on your heart?" I said "for the family in the UK to get together to hear about the vision, values and the journey so far, in this wonderful tribe called YW AM." It's a time where we are going to refresh old friendships and hopefully build new ones. It's a time to listen to the stories of our history so far and glean from the lessons that have been learned along the way. We are looking to build for the future – bringing pleasure to God’s heart, in the dream for YWAM in the years ahead. I hope we are going to have great fun laughing and worshipping together, eating and catching up with one another. We want to hear the Lord and dream into the future to see his will be done and his kingdom come through our obedience. So let’s enjoy His presence and remember His goodness, provision, protection and anointing over the years."

I think in all areas the conference was a great success and for the 250 or so who attended it was very challenging and worthwhile. It was great to see and hear Loren though Darleen had to remain in the States to look after her mother and her teaching was via Genesis which is YWAMs video conferencing system. It was also good to be able to hear the many amazing stories associated with the foundation and development of YWAM from the people who where there from the start and who have pioneered so many different kinds of work over the years.

So after 18 teaching sessions, great worship times many meals and a 25th anniversary celebration for the King’s Lodge we quickly demolished a packed lunch on the Friday and set off back to Carlisle arriving back around 5pm.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008


Spirit, Soul, Body.
This week’s speaker was Mariette Louw an awesome woman of God, originally from South Africa, who now lives in Seamill in Scotland.

Mariette introduced herself as more of a coach than a teacher and that she wanted to start off with prophesying over each of the DTS students. It was really encouraging to hear the prophesies and to get words or pictures for other people. Mariette was really helpful in guiding us through it saying to stay in tune with the Holy Spirit to see what it had to say to each person.

Another thing we looked at was 1 Corinthians 2, as a guide on how to use and be connected to the Holy Spirit. We also looked at how the soul is made up (Mind, Emotions, Will) and what part that plays on our personality. Then we looked at 3 parts that the spirit is partly made up of Conscience, Intuition and Communion. I can identify that my emotions is the stronger part of my soul and that although Communion is the strongest part of my Spirit there is still some work to be done in all three parts.

We also talked about Spiritual Authority. One of the main things that struck me on this topic passivity causes us to co-habit with evil, therefore we should have a passive attitude when dealing with Spiritual Authority and should act where we see the need to.

Something that I hope to be really helpful in the future is a technique for looking at the Scriptures. Instead of just reading through it, take a bible verse and write it out. Then look at which words speak out to you and why they speak out to you and right that down too. If questions have arose from what you have written, take time to listen to God to see what answers he has to give and allow a dialogue to build up with him.

The final day was on the fear of the Lord (Hating Sin & reverence/respect of God) and how we should fear him over man. We also looked at the blessings that we receive through fear of the Lord. The ministry night gave everyone a chance to choose to fear the Lord and to confess any fear of man that might be standing in the way. It was a powerful time hearing everyone being honest and a great finish to a really good week.
Craig Swainson.

Friday, 31 October 2008


This past week's topic was on "Sin & the Cross". The thought of the Sin & the Cross felt heavy. I imagined having deep sessions of crying and repenting for hours.... the typical things I've experienced during youth retreats at church. However, it was so much more and different than what I had imagined.The very first thing we did on Monday morning was Scripture Prayer. I didn't know what that was, but as Yolanda explained, it was basically reading verses at a time and re-phrasing those verses to make it my prayer. We learned to proclaim and declare using God's authority. It was some powerful stuff!!As the week progressed in learning about Adam & Eve, the tree of the knowledge of Good & Evil, The Fall, etc. there were many new concepts that I never perceived before. But I continued to question, "So where does the cross come in with all this?"Then Wednesday came and I had the biggest revelation. I believe the church has thought me this before, but the revelation wasn't big enough and it never really sunk in deep enough. The speaker explained that there is a difference between the act of sin(s) and being a sinner. When we accept Christ into our lives, we put our old self on the Cross where Christ died on. We are born again as Saints - meaning we are NO longer sinners. We may still sin, but Christ already died once, so He does not need to die again for us! God knows us from beginning to end. He understands that habits are not easy to break. God is not a condemning God with a clip board and waits us to screw up so He can mark us down. We don't have to try to be good all the time and feel shameful when we do fall short. He understands that it's a journey to be righteous and obedient. When we repent for the acts of sin, he doesn't expect us to change instantly. All He wants is for us to allow Him to be part of the process, part of the journey so we can walk without shame and guilt. Once we are Saints, it becames a journey of growth, not a repeated process of feeling shameful that I let Him down again. After this week, I feel so relieved of many stones I've been carrying with me most of my life. God truly revealed that He is the source of all things. I know that I will continue to make mistakes and make poor choices at times. But, I know that God doesn't stand over my shoulders and says, "You bad girl!" He reaches out His hand, picks me up and says, "Let's try this again." This Friday, we got a day off, so I took a nice long walk down the river to soak all of this in. God is truly amazing... and I'm in awe of His faithfulness... and grateful of His love and grace. I found so much peace during this wonderful walk and spend the rest of the day with lots of quality time with my fellow YWAMers. More exciting stuff next week! Many blessings,Adeline Kim

Thursday, 23 October 2008


Hey everybody,
This week was about relationships, it was a lot of fun and we learned a lot! The first few days we talked about sexual- and non-sexual-intimacy. We noticed that we (YWAM’ers) go to a very deep level of relationship in a very short time and that sometimes we should spend a bit more time getting to know each other on a more basic level. Further on in the week we talked a lot about SEX, how God made sex so beautiful and how he intended it to be etc etc. Just amazing how everybody opened up and we had really honest conversations about sexuality. Jo is a counsellor so she has this amazing gift of listening to people and we’ve learned a lot from her. Also she had a lot of creative ways to talk about this subject such as group discussions (either small or big groups), games and stories. But the most I’ve learned from here own life story, she was so open and honest about her own struggles in life. This taught me how to be honest and open in relationships and how to accept other people there differences.

Friday Jo left and we went as a group to Scotland, there we went to a Buddhist temple. This was a huge experience for me because I never went to a Buddhist temple before. This place didn’t look like Scotland at all only the bad weather reminded me that we really where in Scotland. We learned a lot on this day about the culture of the people we’re going to meet in Asia and we could experience a little bit of how it is going to be living around people who believe in Buddha. All the monks and nuns wore red robes and they had bold heads, and our guide explained a lot of the symbols behind the traditions and attributes in the temple. Overall this was a great week, we’ve learned a lot and we have become closer as a group. I think we all look forward to the coming weeks and to our outreach! I hope my English made a little bit of sense… and I’m sorry if it didn’t make sense at all. But the key thing is that Gods love you and that he made us to be in a great relationship with Him and with each other!
Gods zegen (God bless),
Vera Arents
WOW WHAT A WEEK! This week has been an amazing week for us all! God Brought us Yan Nicholls and now our lives will never be the same about evangelism ever again. Yan took evangelism to a whole new level. I think I speak for everyone when I say we all have a complete new hunger for evangelism. He shows us how we don't need to miraculously save people every time we go out there. But were getting people closer and closer god every time we step. Yan took the angle scale and just completely explained in a form in which if the angle scale was food we would've been scoffing it down. As were out in botchergate on Friday nights we will attempt to apply what we've learnt and its all about trial and error. You get the abusive people, the nutters, the nice old grandmas and then there's the people who are just hungry for god and need the mud wiped out of their eyes and that is why evangelism is so important! God is good! Amen – Ezra McIntyre

Monday, 6 October 2008

Another week bites the dust.

Week four of the DTS was Abrahamic Covenant weekThe first lecture week of the DTS we spent looking at who God is. The second week was spent looking at who we are. And this third week has been spent looking at what God is up to, and what his unchanging purpose is. Steve Sullivan took us through the Bible to show us that God really is 100% committed to his promise, which he confirmed to Abraham with an oath. God wants to bless us, and he wants us to be a blessing to all peoples! What a wonderful God he is! Going through the Bible confronted those of us that have gone to Sunday school with the fact that we often have ideas about the Bible which are not entirely true. And we found that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, king David, king Solomon, the prophets, Daniel, Nehehiah, Peter, Paul, the writer of Hebrews and Jesus (to name a few), all had the Abrahamic Covenant in their pockets! This week we had quite a few young people turn up to the dry bar we put on in the city centre, on the Friday evening. We’re really enjoying getting to know the youth of Carlisle and hanging out with them.After having done a prayer walk down Botchergate in the morning we set out into the cold on the Friday night more equipped and more aware of what we’re coming up against in our evangelism there. We went out armed with prayer and lots of coffee, and were ready to bless people! It’s great to see people’s faces light up when they see us coming with a warm coffee for them on these cold October nights... and it’s especially nice to get into conversation with people and be able to talk with them about Jesus!Anyway, now that we’ve looked at what the family business is, we’re going to spend next week looking at getting really good at doing being a real blessing to people, and clearly communicating Christ to them!- Emma Wagner

Friday, 26 September 2008

Week 3

Week 3 22/09 - 26/09 Calling and Identity.

Well this week involved a lot of filling in questionnaires which for some was more difficult than others!! The joys but it definitely helped us to get a handle on how we interact and why we may react to some people more than others. It was quite amazing how much it helped to show how we have been made and what God has placed within each one of us.  And the best bit is its all really good because he made it!!

The biggest thing for me was a revelation on how I work which was awesome but now comes the more tricky part of managing it!  Good job God’s so faithful!  

We had our fist proper ministry night on thursday which was really great we all confessed and chuck out the crap that was holding us back which totally opened the door for God to come in and BLESS!!   The DTS went through a tunnel which symbolised a womb sounds really odd but it was all about birthing new things in God and walking into calling, now we had more of a grasp on our identity.  The words that were spoken over them and the prophecies were amazing!! God was definitely speaking and he was pouring out his goodness for a good 3 hours!  after a great night of the spirit at work we headed home at about 1145!! so glad Emma said we could start an hour later made such a difference!!  So thats a summary of our week with Mr Richard Lowe.  Lets see where next week leads us!!

God Bless, Lucy x

Thursday, 25 September 2008

week #3

Hello from Carlisle! The past week, from Monday the 15th to Thursdaythe 18th, we started our first full week of routine and lectures. Wehad Katherine Robertson, an amazing intelligent woman who has been inYWAM for about 30 years, spoke to us on the Nature and Character ofGod. Being an infinite subject, I think she did an awesome job oflaying down the foundations of who He is. Katherine talked on God'semotions, will, mind, and the fact He is a triune. Deep Questions like:Does God know the future? Did God script out our lives or are theyunwritten? Do we have a free will? Why is there suffering in the world?Why doesn't God stop all the suffering?, were just some of the topicswe discussed. We were all full of questions, thoughts and using everybrain cell we had. By the end of the week we all had are ownrevelations, and a bigger picture of the vastness of God. My brain wasas fried as my potato on Friday, but it was worth it. She reallyinspired me to think about what i believe in and why, to look fromdifferent view points, and study the word. One thing that hit me washow personal God is and how his heart feels much more than we couldimagine. The weekend started off with a night on botchagate street, a street full of clubs and pub.We have started going out on Friday nights, from 10 til 2,giving away free Starbucks coffee. It is basically a really awesome way to create relationships,conversations, sober people up :) and get involved with the community of Carlisle.I also went to a football game saturday morning with Jeremy,Ben,Craig,David,Lucy,Vera and Adeline,which was really fun, but quite intense.Jenean and Ezra went of with Ken and his church for a retreat, and a night in a Manor.Well that was last week in a small nut shell. Til next time, much love and blessings!!!!-Ashley Hughes

Thursday, 18 September 2008

First DTS Week

This first week has been an eye opener as well as a brand new learning experience and already I've gone from the "Honeymoon" stage to the stroming in under a week. Learning to deal with these conflicts is a whole new thing for me. Excited, is to short a word to describe the emotion I've felt being here the past week. The teachings by John Campbell blew my mind! Mike Oman's stories of Zimbabwe lead to me feeling convicted about living in Africa for four years. Everyday a new hidden part of my life gets into the light and I' am beginning to see and know God's heart and love for the nations and for me. I pray i get wrecked! I get healed! This first week has been a small glimpse of what to come in the very very very near future.-David Glover

words escape us..

sorry for the late post ..... we have been having some difficulty with the blog being posted.. we are all taking turns with these post and emails just are not working out for us... we will have new info soon. keep your eyes out for it.. Thanks The BLS

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Oh, what have we done since last week? Well, there was the Sound of Music. The Sound of Music was a fundraiser for YWAM Carlisle (specifically so that we could buy new chairs and could cease our unhealthy reliance on fragile and uncomfortable Garden/Yard furniture). It was a fun-filled evening wherein lots of friends and neighbours came to our base offices/classrooms dressed as some character (or object) from the film "The Sound of Music". People came as Members of The Von Trapp Family, Uncle Max, Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With String, even things like "when the dog bites" or "a drop of golden sun". First off we had some dinner and fellowship, then we watched the film. During the film there was much singing along, cheering for Austrians whilst waving flags, booing Nazis, standing up and shouting random notes along with the film, and many other strange and unorthodox movie viewing practices. It was very fun, although I must admit that I personally have never even heard of something like that. In the end, everyone enjoyed themselves, and YWAM Carlisle could afford to buy 25 new chairs that won't shatter if you try to sit on them. On Monday, we the people of the BLS resumed our regular schedule, spending mornings learning about leadership and YWAM and loads of other things (which you can hear about in depth if you join the BLS). In the afternoons we've been doing all sorts of practical things that need to be done so that the upcoming DTS will be brilliant (and it will be brilliant). And in the evenings we've been enjoying getting to know each other better, as well as working to do still more things that need to be done (more brilliance).I'm not going to lie: It's been busy. We've learned lots, and we've done lots. We've prayed lots and we've laughed lots. And all these preparations for the upcoming DTS are making us madly excited about the upcoming DTS (which commences this very next Saturday). I personally can't wait!Till next time,
God Bless!

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

BLS Week 1

Hello All,
We are in the first week of the Basic Leadership School. There are 5 of us. 2 second year staff Jeremy Hughes USA, Jenean Mayer USA. and 3 first year Ashley Hughes USA, Ben Rowley CANADA, Lucy Belton ENGLAND .
with Emma Wagner SWEDEN as the School Leader.
We are all looking forward to this years DTS ' Discipleship Training School' they will be arriving within the next 2 weeks. We have been preparing for them all summer. The House we will all be living in is a lovely English town home. Painted a lovely shade of yellow that matches the warm sun.
We the people of the BLS moved into the house on Saturday the 23 of August. Since being there we have turned the empty space into a house of missions. The beds have been made, bathrooms cleaned and stocked, kitchens unpacked, lounges put together and hidden the camera's.. wait no camera's.. With some praying for the students in the meantime. We are expecting great new things this upcoming school. God Bless untill next time,