Friday, 26 September 2008

Week 3

Week 3 22/09 - 26/09 Calling and Identity.

Well this week involved a lot of filling in questionnaires which for some was more difficult than others!! The joys but it definitely helped us to get a handle on how we interact and why we may react to some people more than others. It was quite amazing how much it helped to show how we have been made and what God has placed within each one of us.  And the best bit is its all really good because he made it!!

The biggest thing for me was a revelation on how I work which was awesome but now comes the more tricky part of managing it!  Good job God’s so faithful!  

We had our fist proper ministry night on thursday which was really great we all confessed and chuck out the crap that was holding us back which totally opened the door for God to come in and BLESS!!   The DTS went through a tunnel which symbolised a womb sounds really odd but it was all about birthing new things in God and walking into calling, now we had more of a grasp on our identity.  The words that were spoken over them and the prophecies were amazing!! God was definitely speaking and he was pouring out his goodness for a good 3 hours!  after a great night of the spirit at work we headed home at about 1145!! so glad Emma said we could start an hour later made such a difference!!  So thats a summary of our week with Mr Richard Lowe.  Lets see where next week leads us!!

God Bless, Lucy x

Thursday, 25 September 2008

week #3

Hello from Carlisle! The past week, from Monday the 15th to Thursdaythe 18th, we started our first full week of routine and lectures. Wehad Katherine Robertson, an amazing intelligent woman who has been inYWAM for about 30 years, spoke to us on the Nature and Character ofGod. Being an infinite subject, I think she did an awesome job oflaying down the foundations of who He is. Katherine talked on God'semotions, will, mind, and the fact He is a triune. Deep Questions like:Does God know the future? Did God script out our lives or are theyunwritten? Do we have a free will? Why is there suffering in the world?Why doesn't God stop all the suffering?, were just some of the topicswe discussed. We were all full of questions, thoughts and using everybrain cell we had. By the end of the week we all had are ownrevelations, and a bigger picture of the vastness of God. My brain wasas fried as my potato on Friday, but it was worth it. She reallyinspired me to think about what i believe in and why, to look fromdifferent view points, and study the word. One thing that hit me washow personal God is and how his heart feels much more than we couldimagine. The weekend started off with a night on botchagate street, a street full of clubs and pub.We have started going out on Friday nights, from 10 til 2,giving away free Starbucks coffee. It is basically a really awesome way to create relationships,conversations, sober people up :) and get involved with the community of Carlisle.I also went to a football game saturday morning with Jeremy,Ben,Craig,David,Lucy,Vera and Adeline,which was really fun, but quite intense.Jenean and Ezra went of with Ken and his church for a retreat, and a night in a Manor.Well that was last week in a small nut shell. Til next time, much love and blessings!!!!-Ashley Hughes

Thursday, 18 September 2008

First DTS Week

This first week has been an eye opener as well as a brand new learning experience and already I've gone from the "Honeymoon" stage to the stroming in under a week. Learning to deal with these conflicts is a whole new thing for me. Excited, is to short a word to describe the emotion I've felt being here the past week. The teachings by John Campbell blew my mind! Mike Oman's stories of Zimbabwe lead to me feeling convicted about living in Africa for four years. Everyday a new hidden part of my life gets into the light and I' am beginning to see and know God's heart and love for the nations and for me. I pray i get wrecked! I get healed! This first week has been a small glimpse of what to come in the very very very near future.-David Glover

words escape us..

sorry for the late post ..... we have been having some difficulty with the blog being posted.. we are all taking turns with these post and emails just are not working out for us... we will have new info soon. keep your eyes out for it.. Thanks The BLS

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Oh, what have we done since last week? Well, there was the Sound of Music. The Sound of Music was a fundraiser for YWAM Carlisle (specifically so that we could buy new chairs and could cease our unhealthy reliance on fragile and uncomfortable Garden/Yard furniture). It was a fun-filled evening wherein lots of friends and neighbours came to our base offices/classrooms dressed as some character (or object) from the film "The Sound of Music". People came as Members of The Von Trapp Family, Uncle Max, Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With String, even things like "when the dog bites" or "a drop of golden sun". First off we had some dinner and fellowship, then we watched the film. During the film there was much singing along, cheering for Austrians whilst waving flags, booing Nazis, standing up and shouting random notes along with the film, and many other strange and unorthodox movie viewing practices. It was very fun, although I must admit that I personally have never even heard of something like that. In the end, everyone enjoyed themselves, and YWAM Carlisle could afford to buy 25 new chairs that won't shatter if you try to sit on them. On Monday, we the people of the BLS resumed our regular schedule, spending mornings learning about leadership and YWAM and loads of other things (which you can hear about in depth if you join the BLS). In the afternoons we've been doing all sorts of practical things that need to be done so that the upcoming DTS will be brilliant (and it will be brilliant). And in the evenings we've been enjoying getting to know each other better, as well as working to do still more things that need to be done (more brilliance).I'm not going to lie: It's been busy. We've learned lots, and we've done lots. We've prayed lots and we've laughed lots. And all these preparations for the upcoming DTS are making us madly excited about the upcoming DTS (which commences this very next Saturday). I personally can't wait!Till next time,
God Bless!